среда, 15 января 2020 г.


Now click the Delta button circled in red. You can see the relevant details of each cursor in the C and C 01 columns. Close the Target Browser window. This is a software-based digital oscilloscope that comes free with TwinCAT 3. Building an HMI in. twincat scope view

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That will display the Target Browser window:. That will display the Cursor window:. Notice that the Twlncat cursor is green and the C 01 cursor is blue you can barely see it in the icon.

twincat scope view

Make sure you have the scope window visible by double-clicking on the scope node in the Solution Explorer. When you do this, it has to delete the captured data and it asks if you want to save the data to a file first. Here we can see the time difference between the two cursors is about ms, which makes sense since the input angle is changing by 1 degree every scan, and each scan is 1 ms long. The button in the middle is the Stop button. Contact and Coil Nearly In Control.

twincat scope view

Building an HMI in. Now right click on the new Axis 1 node and select Target Browser from the context menu. Click the OK button to create the project.

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TwinCAT Scope View import for MATLAB - File Exchange - MATLAB Central

You can see the relevant details of each cursor in the C and C 01 columns. Right click on the Cursor node and select New X Cursor. First, create a PLC project for testing.

Suppose we wanted to compare this to the input angle in degrees which ranges from 0. To scope variables with different amplitudes, simply add more axes. That displays another column showing the difference ivew the two cursors:. Now right-click on the C node the actual cursor under the Cursor node in the Solution Explorer again and select Cursor Window from the context menu.

TwinCAT 3 Tutorial: The Scope View

Plotting them on the same graph would be difficult because the amplitudes are so dissimilar. In our case we want a YT scope. Continue to the next chapter: The sine wave has a Y range of Then select Empty Measurement Project in the middle panel, and give it a descriptive name in the Name field. In the Solution Explorerunder the Chart node, find the Cursor node.

That will add scipe new axis called Axis 1. Right click on the Chart node in the Solution Explorer and choose Properties from the context menu.

An XY scope plots two variables against each other, one on the X and one on the Y axis. Once you know the basics, the interface is fairly user-friendly and best-of-all the tool is included for free with TwinCAT 3. Zooming in helps a little.

twincat scope view

Now click tqincat drag the green cursor to the first positive zero crossing of the sine wave, and click and drag the blue cursor to the second positive zero crossing:. Start by adding the GVL. A YT scope plots some variable on the vertical Y axis and time along the horizontal X axis.

Then close the Target Browser window.

SinOfAngle variable to the Axis that was created by the wizard.

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