вторник, 14 января 2020 г.


And by the fourth repeat of the chorus, I am just a little tired of it. But once it gets where it's going, and Shimotsuki is hitting those high notes, it is straight up epic. But let's start with that graceful, acoustic marvel that is "Flower Sign. The opening minute of this song is truly beautiful. We're good so far! However, I dare say the song overstays its welcome. Well, at least at first. twilight hour - atelier ayesha alchemist of the ground of dusk vocal album

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Sadly, I think it might also be the least memorable track of the bunch, even though it does pack an emotional power-punch in the moment.

But once it gets where it's going, and Shimotsuki is hitting those high notes, it is or up epic. Well, at least at first. The second track, Mystic Pendulum, is amazing.

twilight hour - atelier ayesha alchemist of the ground of dusk vocal album

I usually love everything Shimotsuki-san touches, but for both tracks on this album, I'm not impressed. But the dsuk is spot-on, very emotionally evocative, strained vocal performance and catchy synth drum tracks. The chorus is especially catchy, but the song doesn't have the staying power of the two prior tracks.

I wasn't entirely impressed with the bridge, which comes in at the 4 minute mark. This is a fun, spirited pop-rock track composed and arranged by Kazuki Yanagawa. Vocalist yanaginagi sings on track 3, "Thorns" or, for you romaji-lovers, "Ibara".

It also has this strange country-Western feel to it, just barely touching the same spots of my heart where fond memories of Wild Arms and Sakura Wars V are held. MARIA is the better track, though it takes forever to ayesna anywhere. The opening minute of this song is truly beautiful.

RPGFan Music - Twilight Hour - Atelier Ayesha ~Alchemist of the Ground of Dusk~ Vocal Album

If you see me at a game or anime convention and I'm humming a tune, try shouting "Hana-shirube! Not only did Atelier Ayesha launch with a 3 disc OST, but a separate album was released for all the vocals.

I prefer the instrumental version, strangely enough. And by the fourth repeat of the chorus, I am just a little tired of it.

However, I dare say the song overstays its welcome. We're good so far! June 27, Composed By: The latter is a very happy, very chipper track that you can actually find an instrumental version of on the OST.

It reminds me of this one particularly slow and acoustic ballad from the Ar tonelico 1 hymmnos side Blue. It's not the best song on the album, and it's not Achiwa's best writing, but it's certainly earning a passing grade.

twilight hour - atelier ayesha alchemist of the ground of dusk vocal album

Then we can become tue friends. The first appearance of the refrain is strong too. I really dig Stars at Dusk, mostly because of the nuanced performance of vocalist "Chirinuruwowaka" what kind of name is that, anyway?

Twilight Hour Atelier Ayesha -Alchemist of the Ground of Dusk- Vocal Album

But let's start with that graceful, acoustic marvel that is "Flower Sign. I get chills listening to this piece. Haruka Shimotsuki performed for two tracks on this album: There's enough good stuff here to warrant the purchase. So that's 7 new tracks for ovcal of you who purchase this album. And while they're hit-or-miss, I think it's mostly hit.

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