понедельник, 13 января 2020 г.


It is a rather simple IRC client and is easy for beginners to use. Standard Features Multiple message styles to choose from. Apps you might also like Monal 2. It seems smooth and is supported by SMUG. Bouncers, Gateways and Proxies. Create account or Sign in. colloquy irc

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Colloquy - IRC Client

How to join this site? Why not distribute through Apple App Store? Once connected to a server, you then join a channel to begin "chatting. Now click " connect. Bouncers, Gateways and Proxies. Open minded and Open source, like it should be.

Intel 64 Mac OS X Started 19 Sep Both the desktop client collouy the mobile iPhone client have received positive reviews.

Colloquy - IRC Client by Jane Lee

Allows you to join multiple chat rooms across many different servers. Lightweight IRC chat client. Unlimited extensability through Plug-Ins. Click here to edit contents of this page. Find out what you can do. Sleek multi- or single-window modes with tabs or a drawer.

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The software also supports a wide array of plugins that enable irv of the application and integration with other aspects of the Mac OS X environment. Make sure that you write this down as it is extrememly difficult to get it reset if you should forget it. You will have to choose a unique nickname. Full support for landscape mode in the entire application. Apps you might also like Monal 2. Create account or Sign in.

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This page was last edited on 23 Decemberat Open source, like it should be. Bots comparison Eggdrop Infobot Robot A powerful dictionary for easy scripting.

ChatZilla Mozilla Application Suite. Notification of common server errors as easy to understand alerts. Developers are rude to users contacting them.

Need a Mac IRC Client? Here are 3 You Can Use

Project is essentially abandoned. Some Rights Reserved Show Comments. Colors of the World: I suppose I could try finding a.

Change the name also URL address, possibly the category of the page. Organized Colloquies view that shows all your conversations at a glance. Views Read Edit View orc.

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